Tuesday, February 5, 2013

As Our Population Ages


Human teeth don’t continue to grow with age, but they do appear longer or shorter as people age.The teeth appear longer when there is a loss of surrounding tissues, like gums and bone, or shorter because of bruxing (clenching and grinding).

Periodontal disease begins with gingivitis and is followed by advanced stages of gum disease. These affect the suspension of teeth. The gums may recede and the bone is being dissolved by bacteria.The final effect is the tooth mobility and the loss of teeth and bone.

Losing the molar and premolar teeth (back teeth) prematurely causes the loss of vertical dimension of occlusion “sunken mouth,” inability to chew and occlusal wear and tear of the remaining teeth. This makes the restorative work in the mouth that much harder.

The other concern is the yellowing of the teeth that is caused by wear of the enamel, which is the outer layer of the tooth. The exposed roots due to the gum disease or traumatic occlusal contacts (upper teeth to lower teeth) can also contribute to the altered color of the teeth.

There are plenty of restorative solutions that can be employed in the treatment of the above problems. The life span has been rising continuously and 70-80-90 year- old people are no longer considered old.

We are more active intellectually and physically than ever and we are more attractive than ever.

What we need to remember is that taking care of our teeth regardless of our age is the uppermost desire. This improves not only the functionality, but also aesthetics or cosmetics of our appearance. An attractive appearance makes social and professional interactions so much more effective and easier.

We appreciate any comments or question and we hope this has been informative. Below are examples of what we discussed in the above blog.


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