Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Top Eight Reasosn to Visit Your Dentist!

Top Eight Reasons to Visit Your Dentist

In a recent Gallup-Healthways poll of 355,334 , thirty-four percent of Americans admitted to not visiting their dentist in the past 12 months, according to USA Today.  To put that in perspective, that is almost one out of three Americans.  The study found that many Americans viewed routine dental care as a luxury item. In recent years, we have been made aware of how important routine dental care is to our overall health. Here are the top eight reasons you should make visiting your dentist a priority.

1.   Your dentist could save your life. There are a variety of infections that can occur in your mouth, which if left untreated can undermine other bodily systems such as your cardiovascular system.  There is a clear connection between heart disease and periodontal disease (gum disease).  Only your dentist can diagnose and treat this condition, and it is thought that more than 70% of Americans have some form of periodontal disease.

2.   Dentistry does not hurt.  Gone are the days when dentistry was painful.  Today’s technology and dentists’ training has made pain in the dental chair a thing of the past.  Dentists are well trained in how to make their patients comfortable and want you to have a positive experience. If you feel your dentist “hurts” find a new one!

3.   Your smile is important.  People say that the first features they notice about people are their eyes and their smile.  It is a well-known fact that smiling people are viewed as more attractive, make more money and have more friends.  Feel confident in your smile!

4.   Your dentist is your friend.  Your dentist truly wants what is in your best interest. They are not going to judge you, they just want to help you. 

5.   Your dentist wants to help you keep your teeth.  Visiting your dentist on a regular basis can help you catch problems early.  Not only will this minimize damage to your teeth, but it will put money in your pocket.

6.   Your dentist and their team get excited to see you and look forward to your visit.  The relationship between a dentist and their patients is often a close one.  We often look at dental visits as time to catch up and visit. 

7.   Your dentist can keep you current on the latest information on dental hygiene and oral health.  Your dentist stays current with latest research and does many hours of continuing education to make sure they are giving you the best care.  By visiting your dentist regularly you can stay current too! Here is a perfect example…Did you know that if you suffer from cold sores your dentist can treat them with a laser just as symptoms are starting? Valuable information can be learned by visiting your dentist!

8.  We can help you to maximize your dental insurance benefits! Don't let those benefits get wasted.  If you don't use them, you loose them!

Feel free to leave comments or questions!




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